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cat stuff
Thursday, 12/29/2005 - 11:38 AM PDT
The topic: Well, we're home from the vet

The vet did some tests on Annie and said that Annie's head tilt could be one of three things.

  • Vestibular problem

  • Inner ear infection

  • Brain tumor
  • He's going with door number one. *whew*

    He checked her ears and found no sign of an infection, her ears look clean. He did some sort of testing on her legs where he held her and put one of her paws on the table and dragged her to see what she did with her paw. He did this on all four paws and all four paws reacted the way they should. And she shows no other signs that would point to a tumor. *bigger whew*

    Now, he was concerned with how thin she is and how rapid her heart rate is. He took her blood pressure and it was normal, but her heart rate was not. When you take this information and take into consideration how very laid back and calm she was, he said it would look like she also is hyperthyroid. They took her into the back and took blood for geriatric testing and I should know the results later this afternoon.

    He did say that I'd done a good job of supportive care for her vestibular problem. That helped her a lot.

    Replies: 1 Comment

    Ok, I admit I had to Google Vestibular. Whew, that is much better than the other two options. I hope she feels better soon.

    Posted by Melanee @ 12/30/2005 08:19 AM PDT

    lisaviolet is fifty something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

    December 2005

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