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I met a friend the other day.
He's nice and all of that.
He's pleasant to converse with
But he doesn't have a cat.

I know it isn't really fair
To judge but I believe
You should never trust a person
Without cat hair on his sleeve.

All of my life, I have loved cats. Any kind of cat. Big cats, little cats. Sweet cats, mean cats. I'd say ugly cats, too, but I've never met one. I love to talk about my cats. I love to hear about other people's cats. I read cat stories. My dream in life is to win the lottery and have a big place with a lot of outdoor space. A place for cats to live. We would have a live in vet. I would have someone to help clean the litter. (eww) We would help all of the cats that we could. If I won the lottery.

At the time that I started this website, in November, 1996, we had 18 cats. The oldest, Bobby,was born in early 1981 (he passed away in July, 1999). I no longer state how many cats we have or their ages here, because cats come into our lives and cats leave our lives. Since I originally wrote this little introduction, Bobby, Maggie and Pepper have gone on to the Rainbow Bridge. But you can count them by reading their stories, if you like.

We get our kitties in to the house at night. In the morning, they are allowed to go outside into our backyard. Our backyard is fixed so that our cats can't get out, and other cats and varmints can't get in. It is a good compromise, I think. We have pine trees and I hate to see the kitties going after birds, so Brian came up with a way to keep the cats from climbing the trees. Besides saving birds, we don't have to do any climbing ourselves to rescue a kitty that has run up too far and looked down.

On these webpages you will meet our cats. By going to the backyard page you will find instructions on how we made our backyard cat safe and you can meet our dogs. This website has much to explore, something for everyone. This site is safe for all ages. Besides the cats' stories and many photographs, you will find trivia, humor, amazing stories, sad stories, heartwarming stories, and stories that will make you laugh out loud. You can learn about acronyms, send a free electronic postcard or two, get a couple of free email boxes, watch a cat sleep on a chair in real time, check out the weather here in my hometown and watch the wind blowing through the trees. If you like games, we have those, too. Ben's Den has to be one of my favorite sections of this website. I think it's a lot of fun to explore. There are many, many games (for browsers with java and javascript capability) available to play at Benny's. Word games, arcade games, logic games, interactive games, a Scrabble like game that you can invite three internet pals to play. You can even win a free teeshirt playing games, if you're good enough. There are chatrooms and forums available for all. I've made it simple to recommend pages to a friend. You can even join a mailing list for updates on the pages. If you're curious what life is like in our household, I have an online diary that I write in a couple of times a week. Of course, there's more in there than just cats, it's about my life, ya know? Sometimes exciting, sometimes boring, sometimes extremely sad. I even have pictures from Disneyland, one of our favorite places to visit. If you have any Disney memories, feel free to leave them in the memory book. I've also started offering shirts for sale. Just click on "support the cathouse" at the top of the page to find out more.

If you like any of the animated cat pictures, feel free to copy them. I found them at different places throughout my surfing. The photographic images are not public domain and are not to be taken from this site. They are copyright lisaviolet. If you see them elsewhere on the web, please let me know. To help prevent image theft, I've disabled the "back" capability of your browser. But to compensate for this, you can go back to the page from which you came by clicking on the word "back" at the top left hand of all of my webpages.

Navigation through the cathouse is pretty simple. The main index can be found by clicking on the "index" button on the menu bar at the top of the page. You might also find the small drop down menu at the right side of the menu bar handy. I know I use it all the time. *grin* If you find any bad links, links that take you to an error page, please, don't hesitate to inform me. Bad links slow us all down. If you want to turn the music off, just push the button on the little console at the top of the page. With a few exceptions, the songs will only play once.

I hope you enjoy your stay here at the cathouse. If you do, I hope you come back again and I really hope you'll share this with your cat loving friends. I've made what I hope is a fun and educational website with something for everyone. Have fun!!

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© 1996-2003 lisaviolet
Photographic images are the property of the photographer,and may not be copied, printed, or otherwise reproduced on any other site or used in any other publishing medium without the written permission of each individual photographer and kennel/cattery owner. Cathouse privacy policy.