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Saturday, 12/07/2002 - 12:06 PM PDT
The topic: It's time...

Saturday, December 7, 2002 Well, it's time. What I put off until is finally here. The bedroom remodel begins today. We got up early, had breakfast at Denny's in Santee, then went over to Home Depot and bought paint (heh heh, I just got yelled at because I'm 'supposed to be cleaning stuff'), the color is "Spring Meadow", the texture is "SandWash", it's by Behr. So, if I'm not around much in the next few weeks, this is why.

I dumped all of my clothes from the drawers onto the bed and started throwing out this, saving that. Mickey came in and, too late, I noticed him squatting on the save pile. *sigh* I'll be washing all of my clothes. Not that there are all that many. Brian watched me go through them and one he said "I can't believe you ever wore that". I reminded him that before I met him I'd done drugs (crystal meth) and I was down to a size three (and I believe that my years of doing drugs majorly messed up my body's metabolism and that's why I'm fighting this weight now). Anyway, it was really kind of depressing. :cry Well, I've pulled out all of the yarn from under the bed. Gee, I didn't know I had those colors. Nice! And some even kind of match the stuff we just bought. I guess our tastes haven't changed all that much over the years.

The cats, of course, are wondering what the heck is going on. The bed is apart and Brian is taking it piece by piece into the living room, where it will be reassembled (we gotta sleep somewhere, ya know?). Well, not all of the current bedroom suite is going into the living room, part is going out to the dumpster. So far, the mirror part of my drawers are out there and the headboard is soon to follow. That headboard is heavy! As yet, Ciara is the only cat in the living room sniffing around. And we certainly don't want her peeing on things.

I went to the vet's office yesterday to get more Advantage (I've got six cats left to do and I think I'll give the ferals, Lonee, Red and Jackson Program in food) and I asked about the prescription for the fluids. No prescription, but the vet will sell them to me at what I could buy them for online. I guess he said it's too big of a hassle to do the prescription. That's fine with me. $2.99 is much nicer than $28.00.

So, I'm off to help hubby. Next for me to clean out is my closet. So far, I've tossed out over fifty percent of my wardrobe. The percentage will be higher when I'm done, I'm sure of that. *sigh*

lisaviolet is fifty something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

December 2002

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