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Well, I talkt meowmie inta lettun me haf my own payj uv advenchurs. So, weneffur sumfin happuns, I kin rite bowt it heer.My bigbig joy in lyf iz tew mayk meowmie reulyze wut a gudgud kitty I am. Den she gifs me lots uf smurgles. I lyke dose. I lyke dat stuff she puts on hur lips, tew, its minty an I lyke tew lik it off. She woan let me, doe, cuz sheez frayd I'll start hurkin, cuz it myte make me sik.
My furst venchur wuz ofur a yeer ago. It happund wen meowmie wuz inna waddermonstur fingy. She tayks all uv hur skin off an leefs it onna floor and gets inna dis fing, alone wif waddermonsturs, an shuts da rest uf us owt. Well, I doan wan hur tew git eetud up by dose waddermonsturs, so I wayt in kayse dey rilly start tew hurt hur. Effury once in a wyle, she opuns da door an sez, I'ze okay, liddul Benny, fangu fur pertektun me. Wyle I'm waytun, I smell da skin dat she dropped onna floor. One part uf hur skin rilly smells lyke her an I lyke to role around in it. Sniffin and rubbin my fayce on it. Well, dis one tyme I figgurd dat she wud be okay wifowt me standun gard an I left da room. She lukkt owt an notict I wuz gon. An had I taykt her skin wif me. I hurd hur callin me, but I hadda go inna owt fur a minnit, I thot I heerd sumwun else callin fur my help.
Meowmie told me laydur wut happund. She jumpt owta da waddermonstur fingy and putted on a diffrunt skin. She went thru da howse lukkun fur me an callin my naym. She sed hur hed fur wuz full uv waddermonsturs an sope and she had waddermonsturs drippun all ofur. I neffur hurd hur callin an I jus kept on gowen. She lukkt at da uffur kiddees, cuz dey wuz wondrin how I getted meowmie's skin on me. She jus followed wut dey wuz lukkin at. She hadda runrunrun tew da dore and just az I wuz walkin round da cornur inna owt, (dose dumdogs wuz tryun tew sniff me) I seed meowmie. She skweeled wif delyte tew see me, tew!! She pikt me up, an I fot she wuz gonna smurgle wif me, but she sed "Benny, howeffur did yew git my pantees on yew? Let me tayk dem off uv yew." Den she (an not furry gently eefur) takt hur skin off uf me. An she jus lef me dare, sittun onna grass by myownself. I wuz jus tryun tew help hur.
Well, dat wuz my furry furst advenchur. Now, let me tell yew wut I did tew meowmie las Saturday nyte.
Paw wuzunt hoam, he wuz visitin wif hiz paw, wooz inna hospital kinda fingy. He lef befur we hadda come in, so, meowmie hadda get us all in by herownself. We wuz purrdy gud bowt it, almos effurbuddy wuz in an she onlee hadda git me. Den we eeted dinnur an settuld down. Meowmie wuz wachin dis moofin picher on the talk box fingy, she sed it wuz murder at 1600 or sumfin lyke dat. Well, I got bord an decydud tew haf a liddul fun wif meowmie.
I wentud inna room wif da durdy peepul skin an wen behyd dis big whyt masheen dat gits hot. It has a fingy dat goez inna owt fru a hole inna wall. So, I startud pullun at da fing dat goez inna hole. I pulled at it an pulled at it. Meowmie caym inna durdy skin room and skweeled wif muvverlee delyte wen she seed wut I wuz doowin. She sed yew liddul spit!! Git oudda dare. I gess she wuzunt furry happee wif me, but she wuz talkin tew me. I wached hur moov lots uf stuff rown an wen she lef I lukt an she mayd it much hardur fur me. So, I went an layed down inna hallway onna cool tile. Den I lef again.
I doan no why she started wundrin wut I wuz up tew, but she did. She gottud up frum da sofa an started lukkin fur me. She called me an called me, but I didunt ansur. Den she wented inna durdy peepul skin playce an lukked by da hole. *giggles* I had pulled it outta da hole!! An now I cud git inna owt fru da hole!!! Oh, meowmie wuz skweelin so happee now!! she runrunrund inna uvver room an grabbed da lyte inna toob. She wen inna owt an called and called. Benny!!!! Benny!!! Yew liddul spit ware are yew!?!?!?! She yelled at da dogs, ware'z benny? Dey wuzunt talkin. She comed inna howse an lukked all offur fur me. Behynd sofas, unner tabuls, inna windows, she went inna garage ware Red usta lif an lukked up inna rafters, Oh, Benny!!! ware ar yew!!??!! *giggles* Dis wuz so much fun!!! Den da fone talk fingy ringed an she ansured it. It wuz paw. Oh, my, I wuz finkun, I beddur come up wif a plan befur he comes hoam. An I did. Wen he came inna front door, meowmie waz inna owt, callin me an shynun dat lyte toob onna trees an all arownd da pool. Paw went inna durdy peepul skin room an saw ware I pulled da stuff frum da wall. An he wurked dare fur a liddul wile. Den he went owt wif meowmie an lukked a liddul. Den dey caym bak inna howse an I had my plan all figgerd out an put it inna acshun. Meowmie went inna bedroom an lukked fur me dare. Den she hurd paw talkin tew me. Did yew find Benny? she asked. Yes, he sed. Den she caym inna room wiffa talkin box fingy dat she had been wachun. I wuz onna step onna wall. Rite in front uv hur. Paw sed "he wuz heer da hole time". She sed, "he wuz not". Paw sed tew me "she just gits so wurreed, duzunt she? an yew wur heer da hole tyme". Meowmie sed, "well he haz yew fooled, but he just ran up dare. Heez been hidin sumware."
It wuz fun tew see hur lukkin fur me.
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