Da details of mine beginnings iz kinda fuzzy to me now, but I will try
to 'splain how I came to find my OneTrueHome.
When I waz a liddle baby kitty, I got furry sick. Mine eyez got
infected an' looked skary-awful. I either wandered away frum my
hoominz or else dey abandoned me. In either case, I got losted inna
swampy woods place. It waz wet an' dark (I waz blind so it waz alla
time dark even inna daytime) an' skary. I didn't like it dere one bit,
but no hoomins seemed to be lookin' fur me. I got a bad boo-boo-hurty
on da top of mine head, an' I waz
HUNGRY! An' thirsty! I cried an' cried an' cried.
Luckily fur me, when I cried, my godmother Stacey happeend to be goin'
fur a walk near dat woodsy-swampy place. She had 'cided to take a walk
as a spur-of-da-moment idea, just before leavin' her Mommy an' Daddy'z
house which iz 'bout a hunnred miles away frum where Stacey had an
apartment. Anywayz, Stacey heard me cryin' an' she went
into dat swampy-woods scary place an' we found each uther. I had sum
leaves stuck over mine sore eyez, an' mine whole head waz all puffed
up. Stacey taked da leaves off mine eyez an' dey looked so awful bad
dat she thought I didn't have no eyes no more.
Stacey taked me onna long, long drive to her apartment because her
Mommy an' Daddy couldn't help her take care of me fur many reasons.
Stacey's roommate, Allison, is da mommy of a cat named Tyler who lived
wif Allison's Mommy an' StepDaddy an' two other kitties, Bobbie an' Dylan.
Allison told her Mommy 'bout me. Her Mommy helped Allison take me to
TED an' it's a good fing. I waz all fur an' bonez an' dangerously
dehydrated, wif a big infeckshun all ofur mine head.
Da furst time Allison's mommy seen me, she almost fainted bekause I
looked so horrible.
But even when I waz almost Rainbow-Bridge-sick, I purred an' purred
when hoomins picked me up. I lived at TEDs fur 'bout a week, an'
Allison's Mommy an' StepDaddy decided to adopt me! Dey named me
Samson, after sum guy inna story who had hiz eyez poked out but waz
still a strong, brave man. If I had been a gurl-kitty, Mommy woulda
named me "Amazing Grace" since I once waz lost but now am found, was
blind but now kin see.
Mine eyez gradually gotted lots better so I was onny blind fur 'bout a
month at most. I ated like a piggy when I moved home wif my new Mommy
an' Daddy. I sleeped in dere bed at nite wif dem, cuddlin' an' purrin'
loud an' steady. Tyler liked me ok right away, but I waz a skary sight
to Bobbie an' Dylan (who waz still baby-kats themselves) so dey
hissss-spitted at me fur a couple of weeks before I won dem over.
DumbDixieDog loved me rite away, an' I loved her bekause she smelled
strong enough an' breathed heavy enough dat I had no trubble locating
her when I waz blind. She lets kitties smurgle wif her. The uther
dog, MuffinDog, well...we tolerate each uther. I made lots of trips
back to TED, got fixed-when-I-wazn't-broke, an' had an operashun dat
helped mine eyez kwite a bit.
Now I iz a big handsome healthy kitty. Mine eyez still git runny, an'
on one eye da third eyelid' is permanently stuck half-open (or iz dat
half-closed?) but I kin see just fine, thank yew furry much, wif mine
beautiful green eyez. My Mommy an' Daddy luv me lots, I play wif de
uther kittiez, I nefur go hungry (but I pretend I'z starvin' sumtimez
so when I cry pitifully, Mommy or Daddy give me treats). I don't care
fur the Out, but we iz all Inside kittiez an' onny go in the Out if we
take a hoomin-onna-string. Dat way, I know dey ain't gonna take me off
to no swampy-woods-scary place an' abandon me! An' dat is my story.