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Friday, 02/06/2004 - 11:51 AM PDT
The topic: Ack! How much longer is this gonna go on?

Friday, February 6, 2004 Still with the sick cats! DeeJay is sick now. Georgie is doing better, he's up and ready for chicken in the morning, purring again, but he's still sniffling and snuffling and sneezing. But he seems to be having an easier time of it breathing.

You wouldn't even know that Katie had been sick. She seems to be over it. And Potter doesn't seem like it hit him too hard. Yesterday morning, I couldn't find Sammy anywhere and he ended up being under the loveseat in the family room. I think Autumn is there this morning, I haven't seen her yet. It's nice and dark and quiet there and I've heard a some noisy breathing coming from under there. Bart is still congested, but he's back to wandering around the house and eating again.

Opie and Richie are sneezing a lot. Richie's eyes are so bad that one was gunked closed. They don't have a pussy type drainage, it's clear, which is okay. I think with the way Richie was sleeping, the drainage was going down the side of his face and just dried there. I used a damp washcloth on it this morning and he was able to open his eye. He doesn't really want to be messed with, so I left it at that. The cats who have it the worst right now are Mystie and Daniece. There's no rhyme or reason as to why it hit some cats harder than others. Like both Kirby and Red were sneezing and stuff, but they were nowhere nearly as wiped out by it at the others. *sigh*

I hope it's over by the middle of the month. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn't hurt DeeJay real bad.

I had to go through the forums for the cats and disable the use of html in the posts as well as going through the script itself and removing the ablility to post links. Some porn spammer was showing up about once a week and posting a link to a pornography site. S/he obviously didn't appreciate my deleting the posts because in the last series of posts (the posts were on about ten of the forums) a reference was made to "free speach [sic]". Maybe it's free on the street corner where s/he hangs out, but I pay for my websites. Over a thousand dollars a year, I'm sure. So, speech on my end is by no means "free". Stupid twit. I block the ISPs the posts come from, but since s/he knows s/he's being an ass, s/he uses some sort of proxy that changes the IP numbers and there's no way I know where the next series of posts will come from. My only alternative was to disable the linking and html. I think that's sad.

We had a guy over here, my mom's gardener to help with the mess around the pool. Brian never did his part last year and the grass was even worse. While he was here, he asked about Ciara. "How much did she cost?" Nothing. "How much would she cost?" I don't really know. "She'd go for a lot of money down in Mexico." Well, she's not going to Mexico, that's for sure. *grin* He thought she was beautiful. He ended up filling the dumpster. He was supposed to come back this morning, but he never called. I think there's another day's work out there. I worked out there yesterday cleaning out the pond after the rain we had this week. Since there's a leak somewhere, Brian doesn't run it and keeps it dry. Well, when we get rain, it just sits there. Add the leaves from the tree out back in it and it gets really nasty. I shudder to think of the cats drinking from it.

Right now, the house is closed up. It's cold in the shade but really nice in the sun. We got a good amount of rain earlier this week and the air is nice.

Well, that's about it for now. Have a nice weekend.

Replies: 2 comments

Oh I'm so sorry about the kitties, and I was hoping DeeJay wouldn't get hit by it!!! And you poor thing! This must be very difficult for you to deal with. And SHAME on that twit posting crap, wassamatta with people anyway! aargh

Posted by Nancy @ 02/09/2004 09:11 AM PDT

:doze: I'm so sorry about the kitties, lisaviolet! And Nancy is right - shame on the twit! I guess I've been lucky - I haven't seen any of it.

Posted by Terry @ 02/09/2004 01:44 PM PDT

lisaviolet is fifty something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

February 2004

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