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Wednesday, 03/03/2004 - 11:45 AM PDT
The topic: What's new...

Wednesday, March 3, 2004 Well, what's new? I didn't realize I hadn't made an entry since last week.

Ciara is slowly getting better. Her vet's visit went pretty good. Her Albumin level was up. Low normal is 2.6. When we went in on the 23rd of February, her's was 1.6. Albumin is very important to keep the body running properly. Monday, this week, it was 2.33. The vet was pleased, but wants to see it at least 2.6 before he considers her out of the woods. She's still on flagyl and prednisone. If her values come up next week, there's a possibility we'll cut back on the amount of pred she's getting and quit the flagyl altogether.

Her stool is still pretty loose, but she has much more control over it. The only time I see any drips from when she's upright is at the litterbox, not along her walkway, although she still leaks occasionally when she's sleeping. But she's more active and she's getting a little cleaner. Her butt isn't nearly so raw as it was. I did notice a dime sized patch on her tail yesterday, looked like she'd been skinned there and it was bleeding, but not badly. Kind of like when you scrape skin off. I think there may have been some dried stool there that wasn't ready to drop off (there's no fur there because one of the vets trimmed it off). It's better today. And she's sleeping much more comfortably than she had been.

I'll tell you who I'm worried about now. I'm worried about DeeJay. It's hard to describe. A couple of weeks ago, he was eating everything in sight. It was great. Then, for some reason, he didn't seem as interested in food. I'm thinking it may be time to say goodbye, soon. We were pretty sure it would be this year, but gosh, not this soon. Well, he still likes to be loved and he still does like to nibble on food. He's drinking water, too. I watch to see if he drinks as much as Rusty or Lucky did, but so far, he hasn't. And he's not peeing nearly as much as they did either. I just don't know. I wish he didn't look so uncomfortable. He wanted to be outside on the pillow and the big pillow is wet. We had rain yesterday. So, I covered it with a plastic table cloth and put a big towel over that. He's out there now and he's just huddled up like he's freezing cold. I wish it were a little warmer. It's supposed to warm up by the weekend, they're calling for a high in the low eighties on Sunday. We'll see if the warmer weather perks him up a bit.

So, that's about it for now. Not a whole lot going on, just waiting. For whatever.

Replies: 5 comments

That's great news about Ciara, but I'm so sorry to hear about DeeJay!!
:( I hope his appetite picks up soon. Missy's not eating very well lately either. *sigh* Please keep us up to date on DeeJay.

Posted by Terry @ 03/03/2004 01:31 PM PDT

That's great news about Ciara, but I'm so sorry to hear about DeeJay!!
:( I hope his appetite picks up soon. Missy's not eating very well lately either. *sigh* Please keep us up to date on DeeJay.

Posted by Terry @ 03/03/2004 01:31 PM PDT

Thanks for the update. I love hearing about your kitties, except when they're not well. Prayers going out that they get better soon.

Posted by Donna @ 03/03/2004 02:07 PM PDT

Glad to hear Ciara is improving. Hopefully being outside will improve DeeJay's spirits.

His ~angel~

Posted by His ~angel~ @ 03/03/2004 07:10 PM PDT

((Ciara)) I hope she continues to do well as the medicine is lowered, bless her heart. This is so hard to hear about DeeJay. I went through that with sweet Macho Man. Wish they could live as long us us. ((DeeJay, Lisa, Ciara))

Posted by Nancy @ 03/04/2004 06:41 AM PDT

lisaviolet is fifty something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

March 2004

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