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Tuesday, 11/08/2005 - 01:13 PM PDT
The topic: So, I'm sitting here last week,

picking my nose and Brian calls.

"Go ahead and order a computer for the shop."

Okay. Why now, when you always tell me "no" when I suggest you get one for the shop? You know, when you call home and want me to research something for you? (Ever try looking up something for someone else and you don't know what the hell you're looking for? It can be a little annoying.)

I ordered him the cheapest Dell since it's just going to be for internet. "Oh, and I need a flat monitor here, I don't have much room." I look at the Dell website. Upgrade is $110 for the 15 inch, $160 for the 17 inch. I call him back and ask which one he wants.

Of course, he wants the 17 inch. Why did I even call?

Then I call SBC, who carries his phone service at the shop. They'll ship the modem to the home address, his DSL should be turned on today.

But there's no modem here at home. I call them. They say we should already have it. We don't. I find out they can only ship to the shop. Excuse me, but there's usually no one at the shop. Nobody will be at the shop to accept delivery, it has to be here at home. "Sorry, we can't do that, we can only ship to where the service is". You can't ship it to the billing address? The place you send the invoices that I pay? Argh.

I'm finally put through to a different department and end up on a conference call with UPS. They've already tried delivering the modem once, today will be the second try.

Anyway, the computer got here yesterday. The modem should be here tomorrow. And this weekend, I'll get it up and running at the shop, as well as installing Roboform and TrendMicro security.

And I'll have to show him how to power it up and down. For those of you who don't understand these technical terms, that means show him how to turn it off and on. (I had a hell of a time understanding what a tech wanted me to do once when my router wasn't working. He told me to power it down. I sat here for a few minutes, examining the router case. So, I asked him to clarify. He explained meant "pull the plug from the wall". Well, why didn't you just say that in the first place? Duh.)


lisaviolet is fifty something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

November 2005

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