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cat stuff
Tuesday, 05/17/2005 - 07:03 PM PDT
The topic: the best flea
is a dead flea. So far, I've gotten twenty-nine of the cats dosed with Advantage. There will be some that most likely won't get any. Autumn, Little Bit are two I won't try with. I might be able to sneak a little onto Red. I snuck some onto Lonee this morning and you'd think I'd stepped on her tail. She went running off, all in a huff and when she stopped, that weird feeling on the back of her head/neck area was still there, so she'd run a little more. She finally ended up under a bookcase. But she really needed to be dosed, her lower back is just covered in scabs.
I probably won't be able to get Jackson either. Unless he's in a sound sleep facing away from me in one of the cat beds. I'll keep watch and if I see him like that, I'll get him. Pete is usually hard to do, too. Joey still needs to be done as does Rachel. But one of the nice things about this Advantage, you get most of the cats, all of the fleas eventually die, because they don't just stay on one cat, they cat hop.
I used the flea comb on a couple of the cats yesterday morning and I ran it down Marco's back. Oh, lord, what a mess. Obviously, he's so fat he can't reach back there to clean and the comb came away filled with flea dirt. Nasty stuff. But no fleas, so the stuff is doing it's job.
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