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other stuff
Thursday, 05/26/2005 - 10:31 AM PDT
The topic: Busy right now
with pictures. I've got about fifty I'm going to be uploading to the catpix over on the family album. I just have to get them cropped and tweaked a little bit.
And I have to go to CostCo. Went to make Brian's lunch this morning and the bread was moldy, cool, huh? So, he got a mash of tuna and mayonnaise and a sleeve of saltine crackers this morning (I was already in the process of getting the tuna ready). Yummy, right?
We're out of some of the basics. And maybe I'll get some fresh ground beef and some hamburger buns, too. I'll check out the potatoes we've got and if they're okay, not get any new ones, but if they've got eyes, I'll buy new ones. And make potato salad and this weekend Brian can barbeque hamburgers and we'll have potato salad and eat on the patio. Oh, yeah, and some margarita mix. I'll make margaritas and we can watch the sunset after we eat. A nice Memorial Day.
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