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cat stuff
Wednesday, 10/19/2005 - 03:30 PM PDT
The topic: Happy "Gotcha Day", Chandler!

You might remember the tale of a kitty cat, found in a San Diego yard, when the heavy rains started in October 2004.

This skinny furry black kitty cat was starving and ate every bit of food I put out, although he ran when he saw me. After being here for a couple of days, I finally was able to get a hold of him, from under the deck of the doghouse on the bank.

And he's been here ever since. He's come a long way from the cat who tried to eat a toy mouse because he thought it was food. A cat who spent his time in hiding, under a sofa or a bed. You'd never know how he was back then, if you saw him now.

Replies: 2 comments

He is such a beauty! I have a short haired version of him named Cocoa. I love those bright eyes and the white teeth against that coal black fur.

Posted by Lisa @ 10/19/2005 04:40 PM PDT

I must have his sister here in Texas...her name
is Sugar Baby...she is
his twin! Huge eyes against that black make them so pretty!

Posted by Linda Baum @ 10/24/2005 08:35 AM PDT

lisaviolet is fifty something, married with no kids, takes care of lots of cats, likes taking photographs, loves Southern California weather and spends altogether too much time avoiding her responsibilities.

October 2005

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